Your Opinion Matters.
We would love to see as many Eskdalemuir residents as possible get involved with the Place Plan!
Ways to Get Involved
Place Plan Tool
We are inviting everyone to fill out a Place Tool questionnaire. This will help us to understand what our common concerns or interests are.
If you would like a hard copy questionnaire to complete, please collect from the hub or email us and we can drop one off.
Join an Event
Check out our events page to find out where and when you can join a community meeting, workshop or drop in session.
If you would like be involved with helping to organise or facilitate any upcoming events, please drop us an email.
Community Champions
Could you be a community champion? We are looking for 10 friendly people to represent a different area of the valley. You would help to share information about the Place Plan and encourage your neighbours and friends to get involved. You might form a group and agree on whats important in your immediate area and feed this information back to the Place Plan.
To find out who your champion is and how to contact them click below.
Youth Group
We will be setting up specific events for young people - check out the events page for more details.
The Children’s Place Tool and Young People’s Place Tool can be collected from the hub or click the link to download your own copy.
Get in touch
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to improve access for walkers to the riverside. Maybe you would like to see improved access to local services like the GP. Or maybe you are worried about the climate emergency. Maybe you would like to help support rewilding to protect our biodiversity. Or you would like to take part in archeological research. Whatever it is, perhaps it’s something we can include in the Place Plan.