The Eskdalemuir Local Place Plan is an exciting opportunity for our community to decide what is needed in our area.


What is a local place plan?

The Eskdalemuir Local Place Plan is an exciting opportunity for our community to decide what is needed in our area. Instead of top down planning legislation indicating uses for an area, this encourages grass roots local planning, where we all can have a say about what we want for Eskdalemuir.

The Eskdalemuir Local Place Plan is being developed with support from Dumfries and Galloway Council Place Team and was commissioned by Eskdalemuir Community Council and the Upper Eskdale Development Group, who are working together to support the community to make a Local Place Plan.

In 2023 the National Planning Framework introduced Local Place Plans as a new level of planning governance that would enable communities to make decisions about their area.

A Local Place Plan is community-led and will set out out proposals for the development and use of land. They must have regard to the National Planning Framework and any Local Development Plan (from Dumfries & Galloway Council) which covers the same area.

For more information on Local Place Plans please go to

Local Place Plan Area Map

This map describes the area covered by the Eskdalemuir Local Place Plan. This is aligned with the Community Council boundary.